Welcome to Accord for Slack!

If you got here by agreeing to our Terms & Privacy policy, then Accord is ready to use in your team’s Slack!

Consider adding Accord to the ‘Apps’ section of your sidebar by clicking 'Add apps' — Accord should be listed as an installed app now.

Using Accord for Slack is as easy as asking the bot how to get started! You can also try Accord commands anywhere the bot can access, like /decide and /delegate — the Accord app will walk you through the process.

A more detailed guide for Accord features is available in these docs:

  1. Creating a new decision
  2. Voting
  3. Delegating your vote
  4. The home tab

If you need to add Accord to your Slack team, have a look at our installation guide or add Accord to your Slack team directly.

If you need any extra help, don’t hesitate to reach out to support@accord.coop.